
Stay Informed with Sora's Insightful IT Blog

MSP? Spooling? RTO? GRC? The world of IT and cyber security often feels like you need to learn a new language in order to understand it. With SORA Technologies, you don’t have to. As one of the fastest-growing managed IT services in the Midwest, our team of highly ambitious and disciplined experts keep an eye on your IT status and preemptively works to prevent problems before they start. No one wants a lapse in functionality, especially if it could mean a stall to the great work you do.

Our blog helps us in this effort to be preemptive by educating our customers on different aspects of IT. Our top-notch IT team posts technical information, along with more experiential explanations to help you feel confident in your IT reality. Read some of our recent posts and reach out to SORA Technologies to get connected with a managed IT service that cares about your business.

  • business man getting frustrated by his computer

    The 10 Most Annoying Tech Problems and How to Fix Them

  • chain representing a strong cyber security strategy

    Cyber Security is Essential to Your Business

  • three IT specialists working on a project together in an office

    Why A Small Business Should Outsource Its IT
